As you plan your wedding, many of you may have thought of taking your big day abroad. The south of Spain, popular with many couples for its variety of locations and beautiful weather, is one option. And if you’re far away and wondering how to get everything done, what about hiring the services of a wedding planner? Alhambra Weddings, based in Granada, provides this service to couples interested in getting married in one of Andalusia’s most beautiful cities.
Based on the principles of professionalism, good value and flexibility, Alhambra Weddings will organise your big day, from a complete planning service to advice on specific aspects of your wedding. Here we talk to Alhambra Weddings’ Angeles Porcel about how to plan a wedding in Granada.
Why Granada?
This is a magical city.
Granada and its surroundings bring together natural beauty, stunning countryside, architecture and a wonderful climate which really does make it one of a kind. What better place to celebrate a beautiful wedding?
How does organising a weddings with Alhambra Weddings work?
Alhambra Weddings doesn’t sell packages. Every single ceremony is made to measure according to your requirements. With clients from outside Spain we have identified a series of services that they will need given they’re not in Granada. These services include assistance in finding a wedding or blessing venue and the reception venue. We then liaise with the venue, the caterers etc, organise accommodation for the couple and their guests, handle contracts, schedules and bookings and track payment due dates. We will also arrange musicians, flowers for the church, bouquets and button holes, a photographer, hairdresser and make up for the bridal party and transport to the wedding venue for the couple.
But it’s all about flexibility, right?
Exactly. Some couples look for something more intimate, so we prepare a service that’s much more specific. Our aim is to make it easy for foreigners to get married in Granada, and that’s where our specialist knowledge comes in.
You mean your specialist knowledge of the city?
Not only that. We’re not tied to any specific suppliers, rather we get the best deals according to the needs of the couple. We can offer a wide range of suppliers but always at better prices than if you went to look for them yourself. And of course, if you’re not actually here in Granada, searching for suppliers one by one is an arduous task. At Alhambra Weddings we take this pressure off, but don’t make any decisions without consulting the client, so you’re always in control of the final decisions.
For more information, why not visit Alhambra Weddings
website or call on +34 958 592680.